Friday, July 25, 2008

just for now..

i'm sorry for abandoning this blog, for such a long time.
ive been updating my xanga more frequently, as i havent been so productive lately.
meaning i havent been going out, havent been snapping photos, and not doing any artsy fartsy stuffs..

i promise ill update once i'm out of the 'thing 'that im dealing with right now.
thank you for visiting , and dont stop :)

i really cant wait to be able to carry my dslr and snap the shutter again !

oh, in the meantime, i might just update on Tour De France, maybe anytime soon :).



Miss Aida said...

Hey Sara, good to hear you're still around! Hope you're going well with the 'thing that you're dealing with now'. :)

Take care.

Sara Aziz said...

hey aidaaa! yeah im always around, and yea im doing ok still :) thank u!