Friday, August 22, 2008

wait..this is too much.

don't you think the technology is moving way too fast? few months ago nikon D300 and D3 became
sensational in the photography world. now Nikon
has launched its new breed , a new improved version of D300.

if you already have D300 : dont bother about this new one. the functions are almost similar.

if you already have a D3: well, if you're not used to using the battery pack , and looking for something lighter for daily use, this might be a good pick. it's not far better than d300, but still, it's the latest and Nikon shouldve somehow improvised it.

I am mainly using D300 for my daily photography, and i have yet nothing to complain about .
it's good :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ser, if u found cam with reasonable price do tell me.